
How to Review Like a Champ (and NOT fall asleep) //

Okay, okay, okay...

If you're anything like me, school is in a few weeks and the last way you want to spend your last few precious weeks of freedom is studying. Yes, I just said the "S" word. 

But trust me, you are going to WANT to review and it doesn't have to be hell. 

Here are a few of my tips of how to review like a champ:

 Buy a Cute Notebook

This is important. Not only because you need somewhere to write your old math notes. If you buy a cute notebook, you are obviously going to want to write in it! Nothing motivates me more than a super cute book (my current fav being Kate Spade), plus it's an excuse to go shopping!

Listen to Some Music

Make a playlist that helps you concentrate, or search on up on Spotify. Listening to music always makes studying much more bearable. 
(follow me on spotify ~ kaylalyfordd)

Go to a Café

These places are super chill and perfect for studying. Grab a cup of coffee (because you'll need one), a snack, and sit for a few hours and get through a ton of material. It is a lot easier to concentrate here, than at home with a ton of distractions. 
Example A: What you said Kardashians are on TV right now?? Math can wait and hour *four seasons later* I feel like I forgot something, oh right! Popcorn needs refilling, duh!

In the end you'll be happy that you have access to your old notes and not completely lost the first few weeks of school. Take that Kardashians! 


(photo cred: @maddibragg)

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